Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction
Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 290
R 261Jy spaar R 29
In January 1900, galvanised by the daring of the Boers in taking on imperial Britain, the young Russian officer Yevgeny Avgustus set off for the Transvaal to fight in the Anglo-Boer War. Like most of the foreign volunteers who flocked to the Boer cause, he ended up on the Natal front.
Avgustus and his companions joined the Krugersdorp Commando, and their experiences in the field are portrayed in vivid detail. The central part of this gripping account covers the Battle of the Tugela Heights in February 1900 and the Boers' subsequent retreat. The immediacy of Avgustus's writing captures his trepidation and excitement as he approaches the battlefield for the first time, as well as his experience of life on commando.
The keen eye of this foreign volunteer brings to life a turning point in South African history. Avgustus is a gifted writer, and his narrative offers both acute observation and thoughtful introspection.
A gripping portrayal of human frailty and courage in the face of mortal danger, A Russian on Commando highlights both the strange attraction and the absurdities of war, illustrated with photos.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-08-15
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 210
R 189Jy spaar R 21
This is a sensitive, faithful, amusing account of the unique experiences of a Free State farming family during the Anglo-Boer War.
From the author's mother being mistaken for an English lady by a British officer, to his own imprisonment as a thirteen-year-old at Green Point POW camp;
from his three older brothers' exploits on commando, to General De Wet's address - in a voice 'shaken with emotion' - to his men after the war was lost;
from his younger brothers' experiences as favourites with the soldiers at a British military camp where they were detained, to the whole family's hope and courage in the aftermath of war
- this book is a true delight.

Victor Pohl was born on the Basutoland frontier. His early years were spent on a Free State farm, where he first acquired his love of nature and his gift of accurate observation.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-05-26
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 500
This field guide, a companion to Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses - A Military Engineer's Perspective, reviews key blockhouses left standing in South Africa. A first-of-its-kind guide, it can be used for virtual visits to learn more about these military structures, or better still to get 'boots on the ground'. Its main aim is to put the blockhouse sites on the battlefield tour map and to encourage professional guides and amateurs alike to explore them in detail or make them a stop-off on a longer trip.

Built 120 years ago, these temporary structures occupied for years by the lonely and bored 'Tommy Atkins' have a story to tell, of military-industrial proportions. The author visited virtually every site, excepting only a few whose isolation and inaccessibility speak volumes about the challenges offered by the South African veld to the combatants. The guide also acts as a record of the current condition of the sites, all sadly having been ravaged by human destruction and the inexorable effects of weather and the passage of time. Thirty of them are protected by government legislation which has proved ineffective. One day, indeed, this guide may be all that remains of an aspect of our national heritage that we are in danger of failing to preserve.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-03-01
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 500
Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses is a fresh analytical look at how the construction of over 9,000 small fortifications during the Anglo-Boer War sought to change its course. The author examines all aspects of the South African blockhouses during the war: how the initial concept of protecting key bridges morphed into mass-produced, low-cost, pre-fabricated forts deployed in long lines across the veld; how they were built, manned and operated in a system designed to defeat roving Boer commandos.
The evolution of the 'blockhouse strategy' used by Lord Kitchener during the guerrilla phase of the war is examined as part of the wider strategy used to bring the war to its conclusion. Detailed analysis through the lens of a military expert finally answers the question 'Did the blockhouses win the war, or were they - in the words of the British Army's nemesis, General Christiaan de Wet - merely he strategy of a blockhead?'
From tracing the use of blockhouses prior to the war, to describing the conditions enjoyed by the average 'Tommy' living and fighting in these structures, to recording their post-war dismantling or preservation, this is a deep dive into a topic previously little explored.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-03-01
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 350
Tonele en rolspelers uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog kry nuwe lewe in hierdie unieke versameling foto's wat lewensgetrou ingekleur is. Dit bring vars perspektief op een van die belangrikste historiese gebeurtenisse in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis.

In die Anglo-Boereoorlog of Suid-Afrikaanse Oorlog het die twee Boererepublieke van Transvaal en die Oranje-Vrystaat teen die Britse Ryk te staan gekom. Hierdie verwoestende oorlog sou vir dekades lank nog 'n uitwerking hê op die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale landskap.

Volume 1 handel oor die konvensionele fase van die oorlog van Oktober 1899 tot Junie 1900 met Lord Roberts se besetting van die Boererepublieke. Die foto's wys die Boeremagte se invalle in Natal en die Kaapkolonie, die besetting van Ladysmith, Kimberley en Mafeking, en van die bekendste slagvelde van die oorlog.

Lesers sal talle ikoniese foto's in Die Anglo-Boereoorlog in kleur raaksien, maar ook verskeie wat nog nooit tevore gepubliseer is nie. Honderde boeke het die afgelope 120 jaar oor die oorlog verskyn, maar dit is die eerste een in volkleur.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-04-11
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 395
R 356Jy spaar R 39
Heelwat is al oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) geskryf. Tog is daar slegs enkele publikasies wat handel oor die tema van die kuns wat deur Boerekrygsgevangenes vervaardig is. In hierdie boek word die onderwerp van krygsgevangenekuns deur middel van ʼn kultuurhistoriese perspektief benader deur breedvoerig uit te brei op die motiverings waarom dit vervaardig is, die gereedskap waarmee en beskikbare rou materiaal waarvan dit vervaardig is, die spesialisvakmanne wat verantwoordelik was vir die vervaardiging daarvan, watter tipe voorwerpe gemaak is, die simboliek en inherente betekenis wat die voorwerpe ingehou het asook die verspreiding en vestiging van afsetgebiede vir die verkoop en uitstalling van Boerekrygsgevangenekuns.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-09-01
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 270
Louis Botha was 'n briljante Boeregeneraal wie se taktiese vernuf en intuïtiewe aanslag vir etlike oorwinnings oor die Britse magte in die Anglo-Boereoorlog gesorg het. Maar dit was sy enigmatiese karakter en vaste oortuiging om te hou by wat hy geglo het reg was, wat hom as 'n leier van die Boerevolk bevestig het.
Richard Steyn gee op meesterlike wyse insae in die lewe van hierdie grootse Suid-Afrikaanse krygsman en staatsman. Hy beskryf verhelderend hoe Botha saam met sy hegte vriend, Jan Smuts, die vier Suid-Afrikaanse kolonies na Uniewording in 1910 gelei het waarna Botha as die eerste eerste minister van die Unie aangewys is.

Gedurende die Eerste Wêreldoorlog was Botha aan die voorpunt van die Suid-Afrikaanse magte se suksesvolle inval van Duits-Suidwes-Afrika. Tog is hy deur talle Afrikaners verkwalik vir sy steun aan Brittanje, en die Afrikaner-rebellie van 1914, waartydens hy teen voormalige makkers moes optree, het sy hart gebreek.

Botha se groothartig en vrygewige omgang met mense - van Vereeniging tot Versailles - het hom bo sy tydgenote laat uitstaan.
Publikasiedatum: 2021-01-15
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 315
Maggie was net 13 jaar oud toe die Anglo-Boereoorlog uitbreek. Ná maande in huisarres word sy en haar gesin na 'n konsentrasiekamp gestuur. Hier ervaar hulle honger, onsekerheid en verlies, maar ook die goedhartigheid van Britse soldate. 'n Verhaal van swaarkry en erge ontbering, maar ook van medemenslikheid en vriendskappe oor vyandsgrense heen.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-07-11
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 350
Infused with colour, scenes from the Anglo-Boer War suddenly come to life in this striking collection of colourised photos from one of the biggest conflicts on South African soil.
The Anglo-Boer War, or South African War, pitted the two Boer republics of Transvaal and the Orange Free State against British imperial might. The effects of this devastating war on the political, economic and social landscape were felt long after its end. The Boer War in Colour contains many iconic photos from the war, as well as several previously unpublished images.

Over the past 120 years, hundreds of books on the Anglo-Boer War have been published, but this will be the first to show this conflict in full colour - introducing a fresh perspective and transforming it into living history.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-04-11
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog / Politics & History: Boer War
R 210
Ná die vertaling en herhaalde kere se herlees, kry ek steeds hoendervleis en my trane loop - dikwels met 'n glimlag - wanneer ek hierdie
merkwaardige verhaal van 'n hele gesin se persoonlike ervaring van 'n oorlog lees. - Marietjie Delport
Dit is 'n sensitiewe, getroue, amusante vertelling oor die unieke ervarings van 'n Vrystaatse boeregesin tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog.
Van die skrywer se ma wat deur 'n Britse offisier vir 'n Engelse dame aangesien is, tot met sy eie gevangenisskap as dertienjarige by die Groenpuntse krygsgevangenekamp; van sy drie ouer broers se ervarings op kommando, tot by generaal De Wet se toespraak - in 'n stem “wat van emosie bewe” - aan sy manne nadat hulle die oorlog verloor het; van sy jonger broers se ervarings as die lieflinge van die soldate by 'n Britse militêre kamp waar hulle aangehou is, tot met die hele gesin se hoop en moed in die nadraai van die oorlog - hierdie boek is 'n ware genot om te lees. Victor Pohl Die skrywer van hierdie boek is op die grens van Basoetoland gebore. Hy het sy vroeë jare op 'n Vrystaatse plaas deurgebring, waar hy sy liefde vir die natuur en sy gawe van fyn waarneming ontdek het.
Publikasiedatum: 2022-05-26
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.

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