Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction
Misdaad / Crime

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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 295
In hierdie opvolg op Daniel Lotter se eerste bundel moordstories, 17 Maal moord, vertel hy in sy gemaklike en dikwels humoristiese styl veertien van Suid-Afrika se mees opspraakwekkende ware moordverhale.
Hy blaas opnuut lewe in die gebeure wat lesers destyds na hul asem laat snak en die stories laat verslind het.
Publikasiedatum: 2021-11-03
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 295
'n Grieselrige reis na die plekke waar van Suid-Afrika se bekendste moorde gepleeg is asook 'n hele aantal minder bekendes. Maak kennis met die moordenaars en die doodgewone gemeenskappe waar slagoffers van die vroegste tye tot die onlangse verlede wreed aan hul einde gekom het.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-11-30
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 300
'n Blik op die binnekring van die Krugersdorp-kultus
“Daar was bloedspatsels oor die koffietafel, die banke en die banke se kussings. Peter en Joan was oortrek van steekwonde in hul rûe, nekke en agterkoppe. Nicholas het sy pa en ma gesigte na onder in 'n bloedbad op die mat in die sitkamer gekry. Hulle het hul hek en huis vir hul moordenaars oopgemaak, want hulle het 'n afspraak met hulle gehad.”
Elf wrede moorde oor 'n tydperk van vier jaar ruk die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp en haal landwyd nuusopskrifte. Eindelik word al hierdie moorde verbind met Cecilia Steyn en haar kultusgroep, Electus per Deus (uitverkies deur God). Lede van die groep aanbid die grond waarop Cecilia loop en sal selfs vir haar moord pleeg.
Die moordenaars is slim, gewone mense - 'n onderwyseres, 'n finansiële makelaar, 'n kind wat tussen die moorde deur steeds ses onderskeidings in matriek behaal en boonop keuring kry om medies te gaan studeer. Hul slagoffers het bloot 'n sake- afspraak nagekom, min wetend dat dít 'n afspraak met die dood was.
Wie is Cecilia Steyn? Hoe kan een mens vyf ander manipuleer om moord te pleeg en namens haar in die hof te lieg? Watter rol het Satanisme gespeel? Hoe ontduik onervare misdadigers die polisie vir so lank?
Jana Marx beantwoord dié en ander vrae in 'n waremisdaad-verhaal wat gelei het tot een van die opspraakwekkendste moordsake in die land se geskiedenis.
Met behulp van onderhoude uit diegene in die binnekring, hofgetuienis en polisiedossiere oor 'n tydperk van vier jaar poog Marx om die publiek se vrae te antwoord en 'n blik te gee op die binnewerkinge van só 'n kultus.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-06-30
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 260
As a medical detective of the modern world, forensic pathologist Ryan Blumenthal's chief goal is to bring perpetrators to justice. He has performed thousands of autopsies, which have helped bring numerous criminals to book. In Autopsy he covers the hard lessons learnt as a rookie pathologist, as well as some of the most unusual cases he's encountered.
During his career, for example, he has dealt with high-profile deaths, mass disasters, death by lightning and people killed by African wildlife. Blumenthal takes the reader behind the scenes at the mortuary, describing a typical autopsy and the instruments of the trade. He also shares a few trade secrets, like how to establish when a suicide is more likely to be a homicide.

Even though they cannot speak, the dead have a lot to say - and Blumenthal is there to listen.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-08-03
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 280
In the early 1990's the Norwood Rapist and serial killer was on the loose, sending a suburb of women into terror. In a deadly game of cat and mouse, echoing Clarice  and Hannibal Lector in Silence of The Lambs, Lazarus is used by the police as a decoy to hunt Geldenhyus who has terrorised the JHB suburb. It becomes extremely personal - the hunter hunting the hunted.
Publikasiedatum: 2021-08-17
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 299
Hoe vermoor mense hul eie familie? Joernalis Charné Kemp, topverkoperskrywer van Moord op Griekwastad, klop by kenners aan en gaan haal die storie agter die stories. Suid-Afrika het talle sulke tragiese voorvalle. Venolia Siwa: moordenaar van haar vyf kinders. Phoenix Theron wat haar ma vermoor het om haar suster te beskerm. Don Steenkamp: moordenaar van sy ouers en sussie. En nog meer…
Publikasiedatum: 2018-07-12
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 360
The 2005 brutal assault and murder of student Inge Lotz, whose body was found in her Stellenbosch apartment, remains unsolved. Strangely, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has closed the case - and shows no interest in hunting down Inge's killers.

Also murdered in 2005 were Jessica Wheeler and Victoria Stadler, in Knysna. Heinrich van Rooyen was found guilty of these two crimes in 2007 and is serving a sentence of 30 years imprisonment without parole - until 2035. For the past 13 years, Heinrich has maintained his innocence - and alleges that he was framed by the police.

During a four-year long investigation, an unseen hand in all three murders emerged - that of the late police Director Attie Trollip, who worked closely with the NPA. Proof has emerged that he was involved in the massive cover-up of Inge's murder to protect the perpetrators. In the two Knysna murders, the fabrication of forensic evidence against Heinrich by Trollip can also be proved.

In this book, readers are given clues into the identities of those who murdered Inge, Jessica and Victoria. A large amount of new factual evidence has been gathered - sufficient to demand that the South African Police Services reopen all three case so that the killers can be exposed and pay for their heinous crimes.
Publikasiedatum: 2018-08-24
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 285
In September 2018, Collan Rex, former water polo coach at Parktown Boys High, was found guilty of 144 charges of sexual assault and sentenced to 23 years in prison. He had molested and choked a boarding house full of schoolboys into silence and shame, leaving behind a trail of broken lives. His response in court? It'd been done to him, in the same way, at the same school. Now the victims, the parents, and the abuser tell their stories.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-06-26
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 290
Clarence Gordon van Buuren is in 1957 skuldig bevind aan die moord op Myrna Joy Aken en tereggestel. Hy hy tot op die einde skuld ontken. Die saak was opspraakwekkend om verskeie redes. Daar was beweer dat 'n siener die lyk na 'n seance opgespoor het. Daar was aanduidings van 'n seksuele verhouding tussen Van Buuren en Aken. En daar was seksuele verminking van die lyk.
Vroue het buite die hof in lang rye gewag om die verhoor by te woon en het mekaar vertrap wanneer die deure oopgegaan het. Van Buuren het met van hulle flirteer tydens die verhoor.
Publikasiedatum: 2012-03-01
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 275
In the early 1990s, a young Johann van Loggerenberg became a long-term deep cover agent for a unit investigating organised crime.
As agent RS536, he took on the guise of a drug smuggler in the Durban underworld and slowly infiltrated different crime syndicates. His transformation was so complete that within a few years he became one of the top five most wanted individuals in KwaZulu-Natal. But then his cover suddenly came under threat.

Van Loggerenberg was given documents containing information on so-called third force activities - where Military Intelligence and the Security Branch supplied weapons to the Inkatha Freedom Party. He dreaded sharing this information with the Goldstone Commission. Disaster threatened when former members of the Security Branch, who had since been transferred to his unit, got wind of this and started a campaign to discredit him.

This fascinating portrait of the criminal underworld is packed with action and drama.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-09-10
Laai in mandjie
In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 240
In September 2007, Ellen Pakkies, a working mother from Lavender Hill on the Cape Flats, strangled her son to death. The judge in the subsequent trial sentenced her to community service for her crime. What drove Ellen to commit this horrific deed, and why the ostensibly light sentence for such a heinous crime?

The story of what happened over ten years ago has continued to grip public interest, putting a spotlight on the dire and desperate situation faced by many parents of addicted children. A highly successful play was produced in theatres around South Africa in 2011/12, and a full-length movie has recently been made of this story, which will reach the big screen in September 2018. When Dealing in Death was first published in 2009, the scourge of drug addiction was sweeping across South Africa, affecting every level of society. Little, if anything, has changed since then, as this new edition reveals. The use of tik, particularly in the Western Cape, has skyrocketed, and it was Abie Pakkies's addiction to this drug, and the horrendous impact it had on his and his family's lives, that drove Ellen to murder. Her trial exposed the dark underbelly of a community crippled by drug and alcohol abuse, and focused attention on the plight of those who live in poverty and do not have recourse to drug-rehabilitation centres and other measures effective in the treatment of addicts.

Dealing in Death looks at the global and local drugs culture, the predicament of Ellen Pakkies and other mothers like her, and an impoverished community and the apartheid laws that gave birth to it.
Publikasiedatum: 2018-08-31
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 300
“Maar, Xander, wat het by die koshuis gebeur? Ons weet jy was by die koshuis. Wat het presies gebeur daar? Vertel vir my. Jy kan maar met my gesels, Xander… Praat met my, ou seun, moenie slaap nie. Wat het gebeur by die koshuis? Ek weet jy wil nie daaroor praat nie, maar jy moet. Wat het gebeur by die koshuis, Xander?”
En toe is dit asof die damwal meegee.
Die moord op twee pragmeisies in hul skoolkoskuis vroeg op 'n wintersoggend in 2018 het die hegte boeregemeenskap van Stella in Noordwes onherroeplik getraumatiseer. Die ysingwekkende feite van die saak het trouens die hele Suid-Afrika geruk. Xander Bylsma (19), 'n aantreklike boerseun van die omgewing, is aangekla van die wrede wurgmoorde op die sprankelende Sharnelle Hough en Marna Engelbrecht, 'n skrander donkerkop. Watter intriges het tot die moord gelei? En hoe leef die gesinne van drie belowende en geliefde jong mense met die gevolge van 'n grudaad in 'n gemeenskap van vervlegte lewens? Susan Cilliers, skrywer van die topverkoper Huis van Gruwels, skryf indringend oor die vrae wat ná die hofsaak onbeantwoord bly, oor lewens vernietig in hul fleur en oor die moontlikheid van berusting en vergifnis.
Publikasiedatum: 2021-05-25
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 320
In this jaw-dropping classic of prison escape literature (originally poublished in 1987 and now a major movie starring Daniel Radcliffe), Tim Jenkin tells of how he, Stephen Lee and Alexander Moumbaris, using a series of hand-made wooden keys, got through nine locked doors inside Pretoria Central, taking them to Mozambique and finally to London.
This fast-paced thriller begins with Jenkin's Cape Town childhood and the growth of his political awareness, his university days and his friendship with Stephen Lee. Both men left South Africa after university for London to join the African National Congress. Jenkin and Lee, after training in London, became expert pamphlet bombers in Cape Town and Johannesburg, and it was after several successful years of raising awareness about apartheid and the ANC that they were caught and eventually sentenced to 12 years in jail. It is after Lee's father visits his son in prison, bringing him a copy of another escape classic, Papillon, that Jenkin begins to seriously form an escape plan. Months and months of planning, testing, failing, testing again and lucky breaks meant that, finally, the escape was on.

The recently late Denis Goldberg was a friend and supporter of the men, and kept a warder busy as they began their escape. Apart from locking the doors behind them, they never looked back…
Publikasiedatum: 2020-07-01
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 295
Where RapeA South African nightmare introduced strategies for disrupting rape culture at an individual level, Female Fear Factory offers an even bolder vision for collective action against all cultures of sexual violence. Like the previous book on which it builds, Female Fear Factory fuses intellectual rigour and extensive research, written by one of South Africa's keenest minds, award-winning Professor Pumla Dineo Gqola.
Publikasiedatum: 2021-06-23
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Misdaad / Crime

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Misdaad / Crime
R 315
South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and a femicide rate that is more than five times the world average. In this book, Dr Nechama Brodie looks at the story of femicide in South Africa over the past forty years. She interrogates police, public health and media data, exploring the history of violence against women in an entirely new way that contextualises and challenges the state and public response to what has, in reality, been a crisis for decades.
Publikasiedatum: 2020-06-24
Laai in mandjie
Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae

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