Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction
Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 240
The perfect book for anyone who wants to learn French fast. Comes with a free downloadable audio app for Apple and Android phones, enabling learners to hear words and phrases spoken by native French speakers. 12 themed chapters are broken down into 15-minute daily lessons, spanning a range of practical themes, from socialising to doing business. Each lesson combines French vocabulary and grammar essentials with full-colour photographs for a user-friendly, accessible language guide. The ideal French language course for beginners, the 15-Minute language series will teach you how to speak a new language in just 12 weeks. Topics covered: introductions, eating and drinking, making arrangements, travel, getting about, accommodation, shopping, work and study, health, at home, services, leisure and socialising, with a menu guide and two-language dictionary.
Publikasiedatum: 2018-10-15
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 250
Selfs net 'n paar woorde aan 'n persoon in sy eie taal kan wondere verrig. Hierdie boek is bedoel om nuwe woorde aan te leer, woordeskat uit te brei en kommunikasievaardighede in Engels, Afrikaans, Xhosa of Zulu te verbeter. 'n Staatmakerhulpmiddel vir leerders, onderwysers en almal wat hul kennis van dié tale wil verbeter.
Publikasiedatum: 2002-01-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 210
Hierdie woordeboek spog met meer as 11 000 inskrywings waarvan elkeen 'n bondige, treffende vertaling bevat. Waar nodig, is voorbeelde en grammatikale verduidelikings ingesluit. Steeds die ideale hulpmiddel by die aanleer van of Afrikaans of Xhosa en vir vlotter kommunikasie.
Publikasiedatum: 2006-11-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 260
Wil jy skryf? Het jy kundige en ervare skrywers se hulp nodig om jou ideaal te verwesenlik? Die Afrikaanse Skryfgids, 'n hulpmiddel vir voornemende (en reeds gepubliseerde) skrywers, kan die wonderwêreld van woorde vir jou open.
Publikasiedatum: 2012-08-01
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 490
Die elfde uitgawe van die Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls (AWS) word op 3 Augustus 2017 bekendgestel - 100 jaar nadat Afrikaans vir die eerste keer amptelik met dié standaardnaslaanbron vir spelling en skryfwyse bereël is.
Die 2017-uitgawe, saamgestel deur die Taalkommissie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns en uitgegee deur NB-Uitgewers onder die Pharos-druknaam, is omvattend herbewerk en sluit talle nuwe woorde in wat die tydsgees en breër Afrikaanse taalgemeenskap weerspieël. Reëls is ook verander en vereenvoudig om Afrikaanse spelling en skryfwyse meer sistematies en dus makliker vir gebruikers te maak.
'Afrikaans is 'n dinamiese taal wat deurlopend ontwikkel en die jongste AWS is 'n opwindende, lewende bewys hiervan,' sê prof. Gerhard van Huyssteen, voorsitter van die Taalkommissie.
Onder die nuwe toevoegings tot die 2017-AWS tel woorde wat te make het met tegnologiese ontwikkelinge, soos googleloer, hommeltuig, meem, warsender, antispioenware, selfie en skermgreep; woorde wat ontwikkelinge in die samelewing sedert die verskyning van die vorige AWS agt jaar gelede weerspieël, soos bewarea, BRICS-land of Bricsland, bystanddood en hidrobreking; en leenwoorde of nuutskeppings waarvoor daar nie Afrikaanse woorde is nie, soos brownie, Chanoeka, muffin, nurk (die geluid wat seekoeie maak), venue en flop. Heelwat nuwe woorde uit Afrikaans se gebruiksvariëteite soos Kaapse Afrikaans en Oranjerivierafrikaans is ook opgeneem, byvoorbeeld antie, dhaltjie, gangster en poenankies (oulik).
Wat spelling en skryfwyse betref, is reëls wat verander onder meer dat afstandsamestellings voortaan slegs mét 'n koppelteken geskryf word (hoof- uitvoerende beampte, reuse- politieke vergadering), en dat die integriteit van multiwoordeiename in samestellings en afleidings behou word (Derde Wêreldse in plaas van Derdewêreldse; Konstitusionele Hof-regter of Konstitusionele Hofregter in plaas van Konstitusionelehofregter).
Nuwighede sluit in 'n hoofstuk oor leestekengebruik in Afrikaans, die bereëling van trappe van vergelyking, 'n lys Oosterse plekname, landname met geldeenhede en ISO-kodes, en die Afrikaanse name van elemente in die periodieke tabel. Skryfhulp word ook nou vir die SI-stelsel verskaf.
Publikasiedatum: 2017-07-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 195
Vir meer as 40 jaar al is die Beknopte Verklarende Woordeboek 'n staatmaker in die Afrikaanse klas, huis en kantoor. Met sy 30 000 inskrywings en bondige verklarings was hierdie buksie steeds enig in sy soort.
Vir die neënde uitgawe pryk die Beknop nou in sy sprankelende nuwe Pharos-baadjie. Boonop het hy 'n bylaag bygekry met meer as 1000 nuwe Afrikaanse woorde en woorde wat nog nie voorheen in die Beknop of sy ouboet, die Verklarende Afrikaanse Woordeboek, opgeneem is nie.
Publikasiedatum: 2007-09-01
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 210
Die PHAROS BEKNOPTE VERKLARENDE WOORDEBOEK bou voort op 'n tradisie van betroubare naslaanwerke en is 'n staatmaker in die Afrikaanse klas, huis en kantoor. Dié gebruikersvriendelike woordeboek is kompak dog omvattend: dit bevat meer as 30 000 woorde en terme met bondige verklarings.
Kry taalleiding
Hoofklem vir elke trefwoord
Verlede tyd
Attributiewe vorm en trappe van vergelyking
Akronieme en afkortings
Etikette vir bykomende konteksleiding
Voorbeeldfrases of kort sinne waar nodig
Brei jou woordeskat uit

Afleidings en samestellings
Uitdrukkings en frases
Opvoedkundige en vakterme, bv. neutronster, retrovirus, sakevertroue-indeks
Rekenaar- en internetterme, bv. dataontginning, gebruikerskoppelvlak, kletsforum
Leenwoorde uit Engels en informele geselstaal, bv. crack, dêm, jislaaik, laaitie, paartie, recce, tjips, zol
Woorde uit ander variëteite en leenwoorde uit Afrikatale, bv. imbongi, kanalla, toi-toi, ubuntu
Publikasiedatum: 2022-02-01
Laai in mandjie
In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 89
All the words you need, every day: the perfect dictionary reference for daily use, including all the words, phrases and definitions you need.
Language notes help you choose the right word and the easy-to-use layout allows you to find what you're looking for quickly.
Specially tailored to meet your needs at home, school, and in the office, the Collins Paperback English Dictionary has comprehensive definitions and word tips to provide help with English usage.
With this dictionary, you can find all the words and definitions you need, as it boasts a comprehensive coverage of the language we use every day.
It also contains the latest words to enter the language.
The clear layout ensures you can find the words you need quickly.
This edition contains an invaluable supplement on the most common mistakes and controversial issues in English.
Publikasiedatum: 2010-04-15
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 50
Die Suid Afrikaanse Gids is 'n omvattemde naslaanbron vir enige belangstellende - oud of jonk, Suid Afrikaans of 'n toeris - wat enige inligting omtrent Suid Afrika maklik wil bekom.
Die gids bevat 'n ietsie van alles: van die geskiedenis van ons land, ons fauna en flora, voetslaanpaaie, wildtuine en sportstatistiek tot wenke oor geldbesparing, natuurlike geneesmiddels, goeie maniere en trouetiket.
Publikasiedatum: 2010-01-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 435
This edition of finding your way in academic writing, the authors focused on the theme of writing as thinking. The authors focus on a new theme: 'applying knowledge to writing performance'. This shift introduces readers to the notion of applying knowledge sourced from literature, as well as knowledge sourced from data in field research. Therefore, this title is new in a number of ways. In this edition the organising construct is the application of knowledge, field research writing is introduced, and field research writing is integrated with literature research writing.
Publikasiedatum: 2004-01-07
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 550
At some point or other in their academic careers, most tertiary-level students will become engaged in the planning and execution of research projects. It is a fundamental part of further education that many students find daunting, which need not be the case. First steps in research use the most current perspectives in the field both locally and internationally to provide theoretical and practical guidelines on how to conduct and report on research at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
First steps in research bring together the views of academics, theorists, researchers, and practitioners. It presents perspectives and theory on how to facilitate the understanding and application of theories, goals, methods, and strategies. The book is easy to read and use without diluting the conceptual and terminological complexities of the field. It examines the historical and philosophical underpinnings of qualitative, quantitative, and integrative (integrated) or mixed methods of conducting research, and suggests how these three approaches may be used most appropriately. It also elaborates on the methodological dimensions of action research processes and exemplifies participatory reflection.
Publikasiedatum: 2019-01-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 280
The development of an enabling and socially just learning environment in schools does not relate only to teaching and learning but also to assessment of and for learning. Of particular importance is the provision of assessment opportunities for learners with physical, sensory and neurological disabilities or specific learning difficulties. Guidelines for assessment adaptation focuses on assessment adaptations and methods of assessment (special concessions) for learners who experience reading and writing difficulties that prevent them from giving a true reflection of their acquired knowledge and skills in classroom tests and examinations. Guidelines for assessment adaptation provides a general and useful framework for assessment in an inclusive environment. It discusses the support of learners with language and other difficulties and gives specific techniques for adapting assessments to assist them. Contents include the following: Principles of assessment; Specific learning difficulties; Curriculum adaptation; Identifying barriers to assessment; Description of assessment adaptations; Administrative procedures for assessment adaptations. Guidelines for assessment adaptation is aimed at all educators facing the challenge of assessing learners with disabilities and learning difficulties fairly.
Publikasiedatum: 2014-01-01
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 420
All aboard Guinness World Records 2022 for a life-changing journey of discovery!
This year, we're devoting a chapter to the history of exploration, starting with the story of the very first circumnavigation, along with our 'History of Adventure' timeline, featuring a host of remarkable achievements. The fully revised and updated best-seller is packed with thousands of incredible new feats across the widest spectrum of topics, providing a whistle-stop tour of our superlative universe. Our ever-expanding pool of international consultants and experts help us make sense of the world around us and the cosmos beyond.

So join us as we embark on a voyage through the vast panorama of record-breaking in 12 fact-packed chapters:

Travel through the Solar System and see the planets come to life with a free augmented-reality feature
Encounter the cutest, weirdest, most dangerous and exotic creatures on our home planet
Meet the world's tallest, shortest, hairiest and heaviest humans
Marvel at the latest high scores, speed runs and players at the top of their game in eSports and beyond
Get the lowdown on the world's most successful and prolific actors, musicians, TV stars and influencers
Review the greatest sports achievements from the past year and celebrate today's top athletes
We've also selected the best of the newly approved claims from the 50,000 applications received from the public over the past 12 months. But don't just be a tourist: try some of our specially created try-at-home challenges that could see YOU listed in the world-famous book of records. If you want to be one of those lucky few, check out our Against the Clock chapter - we might even see you in next year's edition!
Publikasiedatum: 2021-09-14
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Uit voorraad uit - Versending binne 7 - 14 werksdae
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 430
The 2023 edition takes readers on a journey that's out of this world! With bonus digital content throughout, we reveal the latest and greatest record-breaking achievements here on Planet Earth and across vast distances of space. With ever more focus on diversity and inclusion, we showcase the most inspirational, eye-catching, mind-blowing achievements from the past year, across a multitude of topics such as gaming and the human body, engineering and wildlife.

As lockdown restrictions ease, humanity's horizons are expanding once again, and our world is experiencing unprecedented change - in the environment, culture, technology and society. Keeping up with this dizzying revolution are the Guinness World Records adjudicators, who've been busier than ever documenting the Officially Amazing. The result is Guinness World Records 2023!
Publikasiedatum: 2022-09-12
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In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.
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Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction: Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference

Nie-fiksie / Non-fiction  -  Woordeboeke & Naslaanbronne / Dictionaries & Reference
R 150
Sakuitgawe van die HAT
Publikasiedatum: 2010-04-01
Laai in mandjie
In voorraad - versending 24 tot 48 ure.

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